
發布信息當前位置: 首頁 » 產品 » 行業資訊 » 項目發布 »


單價: 面議
發貨期限: 自買家付款之日起 天內發貨
所在地: 廣東 深圳市
有效期至: 長期有效
最后更新: 2025-03-14 15:23
瀏覽次數: 144
1.Business License(營業熱照)
2.Factory floor plan(工廠平面圖)
3.Organization Chart(組織圖)
4.Factory rules and regulations(工廠廠規廠紀)
5.Dormitory rules and regulations(宿舍紀律規則)
6.Employee handbook(員工手冊)
7.Individual Labor Contract is required; Group labor
contract is allowed as long as government’s written
document provided and has clear
traceability. (需要提供個人勞動合同,清晰并且通過政府認可的集體合同可以接受)
8.Personnel file ID copy(身份證復印件)
Application with joining date(人事檔案資料-包括入廠日期)
Leave application(請假單)
Resignation letter / record(離職信/記錄)
Rewards and punishment record(獎懲記錄)
9.Health examination report and registration for
workers between 16 to 18 years
10.Local official minimum wage document(當地關于低工資的文件)
11.Payroll records and production records for past 12
months:(近一年的工資 /生產記錄 )
(a) Time card / attendance record (工時卡/考勤記錄)
(b) Piece rate worker production record/ Piece rate
wages calculation record(記件工生產記錄及計件工資記算記錄)
(c) Payroll computation (manual, computer, etc.)
(d) Pay slip /wage sheet with workers’ signatures
(e) Wages deduction / fines record  (工資扣除/罰款記錄)
12.Insurance – Official Statement issued by Local
Government and Insurance Receipt(保險
13.Trade union representative election procedure, work
union responsibilities and work union meeting minutes
14.Kitchen / canteen hygiene certificate (廚房/餐廳衛生許可證)
15.Kitchen / canteen worker’s health certificate
16.Discharge permit (for sewage, waste water, air
emission, open burning etc.) (廢氣/廢物/廢水等的排污許可證)
17.Factory safety records  - 工廠管理記錄工廠管理記錄;
Building structure safety license  (廠房建筑結構合格證) ;
Building fire safety floor plan, fire evacuation floor
EHS task force / Safety committee organization and/or
procedure(環境健康組織 /生產委員會架構圖及/或工作程序或工作程序);
Accident / incident / illness record  (突發事/事故記錄/病假記錄);
Special equipment permit / certificate   (設備許可證明);
Operator’s license for special type of work (forklift,
elevator, electrician, etc)    (工種人員操作證);
Hazardous inventory / waster inventory(危危險物庫存清單/廢棄物庫存清單廢棄物庫存清單);
MSDS – Material Safety Data Sheet   (化學品物質資料表)
18.Training record   (工廠培訓記錄)
甲、Emergency evacuation and fire fighting training(消防培訓、演習記錄)
A、Machinery safety training(機器操作培訓錄)
B、Chemical safety training(化學品使用培訓記錄)
C、Medical and first aid training(衛生/健康培訓記錄) 
D、Others(if applicable)(其它培訓記錄如適用)

     EICC標準條款 電子行業行為準則

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